Our Programs

Our in-school learning programs are broken up into weekly lesson plans and require very little setup.

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Test The Concept

Introductory Course

20 Students

We propose a pilot program to test the iRise Mindfulness concept with 20 students over the course of one month. This initiative will provide a small, manageable group of students with access to our mindfulness and emotional regulation techniques twice a week, including group workshops and individual sessions tailored to their needs. The goal is to measure the impact on their stress levels, focus, emotional resilience, and overall well-being. By offering this pilot program, the school can assess the benefits and effectiveness of mindfulness practices in enhancing student mental health and academic performance before considering broader implementation.

Faculty Focused Course:

We propose a faculty-focused mindfulness course designed to help teachers manage stress, prevent burnout, and improve classroom dynamics. Through group workshops and individual sessions, teachers will learn practical tools for emotional regulation, mindfulness, and nervous system awareness. This course will not only enhance their personal well-being but also improve their ability to maintain focus, patience, and composure in the classroom, leading to more effective teaching and healthier student-teacher interactions. The faculty-focused course provides educators with the skills they need to thrive both professionally and personally, fostering a more supportive and balanced school environment.

Full Student Population:

We propose implementing the iRise Mindfulness program across the entire school, offering rotating classes to students three times a week. This structure will ensure all students have the opportunity to participate in mindfulness and emotional regulation sessions that focus on stress management, focus, and well-being. The rotating class model allows the program to reach a larger number of students without overwhelming the schedule, offering consistency while adapting to the needs of different age groups and learning environments. By incorporating these mindfulness practices school-wide, the program will foster emotional resilience, improve academic performance, and create a more supportive and balanced atmosphere for students and staff alike

Implementing a new Culture

We are here because addressing the mental health and emotional well-being of students and staff has never been more critical. This is not just about offering a one-time course or a temporary fix; it’s about cultivating a lasting culture of mindfulness and emotional regulation within the school. True transformation happens when these practices become an integral part of daily life, not something done sporadically. By embedding mindfulness into the fabric of the school community, we empower students and teachers to continually manage stress, build resilience, and foster a supportive environment. This cultural shift is key to creating long-term benefits, improving academic performance, emotional well-being, and the overall atmosphere of the school.

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